Cosmetology and Product Development
Cosmetology and Product Development
The various cosmetics market is estimated at 200Bn€ in 2017 (Source: L’Oréal Finance). This market is driven by innovation, quality and perceived results.
The consumer is more and more aware and attached to those values. Indeed, dermo-cosmetic brands have to update their strategy to answer to new customer expectations. The customers expect to better understand its skin and have a real personalized offer. Thus, before thinking developing a cosmetic product, the first step is to understand on which part of the body the cosmetics will be applied: the concept of skin territory. Therefore, understanding the skin and how it interacts with its environment is the key step in the product development.
SupBiotech has understood quite soon that the double expertise, scientific and marketing, is required to reach the innovation.
This international summer program, Cosmetics and Product Engineering, has been elaborated by integrating those two expertises and is offering students a condensed formation of the developing process of a cosmetic product.
When ?
- The next Summer School will be held in July 2025