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Pedagogical laboratories

SupBiotech pedagogical laboratories, a technology platform

These laboratories operate two main missions: on one hand ensuring the students’ practical training, and on the other hand welcoming outside professionals providing them with the necessary equipment to carry out their experiments.

The laboratories

Chemistry Laboratory

Durung the Preparatory cycle, students are trained in chemistry manipulation, which helps them develop an overall control of different tools during practical exercises and a better understanding of theory lessons. 

Laboratories of life sciences

A number of practical exercises on various subjects are included in the students’ training: RNA purification, reverse transcription and PCR, cloning using an expression vector, detecting antigens with the sandwich ELISA test, hepatotoxicity, cell culture, optical microscopy, bacterial identification, western blot. These exercises develop the students’ technical skills that they can then apply in their internships, and acquire a solid scientific knowledge base. Particular attention is paid to the completion of a written report and the use of the laboratory notebook.

Available equipment in these laboratories are as follows: production chain for ultrapure water, thermal cyclers (one with gradient setting), horizontal electrophoresis systems for nucleic acids, imager for the analysis of agarose gel, refrigerated centrifuges, sonicator,  micro plate readers, optical and fluorescence microscopes, an automated pipetting robot, bacteriological incubators (static and shaker), class ll laminar flow hoods, autoclaves, HPLC chain.

Bio-production laboratory

This laboratory works in synergy with the other SupBiotech laboratories, enabling students to put into practice all the steps involved in the production of a bio-molecule (from genetic cloning to analysis of the molecule).

From the 3rd year onwards, les élèves sont formés aux méthodes de production (fermentation lactique chez E. coli ; production de lipides chez la levure…) qui est un domaine nécessitant une formation spécialisée. Ce laboratoire est aménagé spécifiquement pour respecter les procédures techniques mises en place à l’échelle industrielle. La salle est équipée de sas d’entrée/sortie de personnel et de matériel et de bioréacteurs de 2L contrôlés individuellement.

From 3rd year onwards, students are trained in production methods (lactic fermentation in E. coli; lipid production in yeast, etc.), a field requiring specialized training. This laboratory is specifically designed to comply with the technical procedures used on an industrial scale. The room is equipped with entry/exit locks for personnel and equipment, and individually controlled 2L bioreactors.

Laboratory of Food Biotechnology

This laboratory is for practical exercises in agrifood  and product development, as well as for common theme Production projects,SBIP projects or projects completed by the Innov’eat association.

The laboratory of Food Biotechnology is an area measuring 70 m2  fully equipped with professional implements for culinary preparations. In this innovative laboratory our students test, qualify and develop new food products. The kitchen can take up to 16 people, and is a place for learning, exchanging ideas and creativity.

Educational activities

SupBiotech students learn to apply and further the knowledge they acquire in lessons in the laboratory. In this way they develop their practical expertise and crucial soft skills in the fields of Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry and Bio-Production. To ensure sound practical training for the professionnalisation of the students (work placements and integration into working life), modern, specialized equipment is at their disposal for Pratical Exercises and projects.

Examples of Practical Exercises

Here are a few examples of Practical Exercises carried out in the SupBiotech laboratories:

  • Enzymology: study of the kinetics of enzymatic reaction (Michaelis-Menten model).
  • Biochemistry: separation of proteins by exclusion chromatography; extraction and purification of proteins. 
  • Molecular biology: plasmid DNA purification;  cloning in a bacterial expression vector.  
  • Cell biology: cell culture and study of oxidative stress.
  • Microbiology: bacterial transformation; Gram staining.
  • General chemistry: analysis of water quality: spectrometric dosage of vitamine B; study and potential-pH diagram of iron-water system.
  • Chemistry of complexes: study of copper ll complexes; modifications of oxydo-reduction properties; complexometric titration
  • Bio-Production: alcoholic fermentation by beer yeast; production of lactic acid by E.coli.

About SupBiotech

SupBiotech is a school specialized in Biotechnology which provide an
innovative course taught over 5 years after the highschool Degree.
The school is close to both the world of scientific research as well as the
corporate world ans has signed partnerships with universities globally.
Graduates gain quick access to senior position both in France and
abroad in such fields as health and pharmaceuticals, food-processing
innovation, cosmetics, bioinformatics or the environment.
The studies, combining academic fundamentals, student projects and
internships are divided into two parts according to European standards:
the preparatory cycle (2 years) and the engineering cycle (3 years).
Sup’Biotech’s Biotechnology engineering program is accredited by
Medicen Paris Région and Industries and Agro-Resources (I.A.R.).
Sup’Biotech also offers an apprenticeship program starting at the
baccalaureate level, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology,
which is accessible after highschool Degree.


Privately Endowed Graduate Educational Institution - Education Authority of Créteil Registration - This school is a member of IONIS Education Group such as :