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CellTechs Research Laboratory

The work of the CellTechs laboratory helps expand our understanding of neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and find therapeutic solutions for them.

Cellular Engineering Laboratory

Cellular Reprogramming

In 2007, in Japan, Prof. S. Yamanaka developed the technique of cellular reprogramming, a major breakthrough. Cellular reprogramming now allows us to obtain an unlimited number of stem cells starting with just a few skin cells. These induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPS cells, are potentially immortal. Not only can they proliferate indefinitely, they are a nearly inexhaustible source of human tissue. One of the most modern, innovative applications of cell biology, cellular reprogramming offers the hope of an unlimited supply of many types of human cells (e.g., retinal, neuronal, cardiac…).

Enhancing Our Understanding of Neurodegenerative Diseases

The goal of our research laboratory is to use iPS cells to better understand the mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, so that we may develop therapeutic solutions to counter them. To meet this objective, our laboratory has devised a technique to prepare human “minibrains” (cerebral organoids) that may allow us to study more finely the pathological mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases and test new treatments.
In association with techniques of genetic engineering that include the use of lentiviruses and CRISPR/Cas9, this technology paves the way for the development of new models for the treatment of these diseases.

Each year our laboratory hosts Sup’Biotech interns, allowing them to learn from the technologies developed by our teams while benefiting from their energy and inventive spirit.

Dr. Frank YATES

Directeur de la recherche, enseignant-chercheur et responsable du laboratoire CellTechs.


Ingénieure d’étude à CellTechs


Technicienne de laboratoire à CellTechs


Enseignant-Chercheur à CellTechs


Ingénieure de Recherche et Enseignante-Chercheuse à CellTechs

About SupBiotech

SupBiotech is a school specialized in Biotechnology which provide an
innovative course taught over 5 years after the highschool Degree.
The school is close to both the world of scientific research as well as the
corporate world ans has signed partnerships with universities globally.
Graduates gain quick access to senior position both in France and
abroad in such fields as health and pharmaceuticals, food-processing
innovation, cosmetics, bioinformatics or the environment.
The studies, combining academic fundamentals, student projects and
internships are divided into two parts according to European standards:
the preparatory cycle (2 years) and the engineering cycle (3 years).
Sup’Biotech’s Biotechnology engineering program is accredited by
Medicen Paris Région and Industries and Agro-Resources (I.A.R.).
Sup’Biotech also offers an apprenticeship program starting at the
baccalaureate level, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology,
which is accessible after highschool Degree.


Privately Endowed Graduate Educational Institution - Education Authority of Créteil Registration - This school is a member of IONIS Education Group such as :