
5th year of engineering degree (Biotech 5)

Skill acquisition

Personnalisation of student education with 10 types of curriculum

5 types of curriculum in technical development with professional expertise

Professional expertise

  • Research & Development: applied transversal project, synthetic biology, genomics, robotics, virology, animal testing and ethics, cell therapy
  • Bioproduction & Quality: applied transversal project, lean management, quality assurance, human management, computer systems, 6-sigma, practical exercises in cell production
  • Product Marketing & Management: applied transversal projects, sales force, packaging, advanced BtoB marketing, digital marketing, pricing, media training  
  • Robotics & Biomedicine: medical robotics, mecatronics, biomaterials, biomimetics, artificial intelligence 
    In partnership with ESME
  • Digital & Biotechnology: virtual reality, big data management, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data security 
    In partnership with ESME

Sectoral Minors

Professional Majors

  • Health: cancerology, neurobiology, angiogenesis, practical exercises, health management  
  • Cosmetics: reconstructed skin, sensorial analysis, quality control, product development 
  • Environment: risk management, pollution, bioremediation, bio-sourced chemistry, practical exercises in soil analysis  
  • Agribusiness: quality control, sensorial analysis techniques, practical exercises, food preservation, traceability 
  • Food & health: medicinal plants, scientific data analysis, metabolism, epidemiological data 

5 different opening curriculum

Bioinformatics Curriculum

An educational path run jointly with EPITA with subjects linked to genomics, evolution, Advanced Datamining, advanced molecular dynamics, epidemiology, metabolic network, statistical analysis, chemoinformatics.

Entrepreneurship Curriculum * (limited places)

Setting up a company, managing technological ressources, patents, path to innovation, methods of finance, business plan.

International Cursus (limited places)

Minimum one semester of studies in a partner university abroad. Places are reserved for those students who haven’t yet had the opportunity of spending a semester abroad.

Dual diploma Curriculum  (limited places)

Fundamental Research Curriculum  (limited places)

  • Masters 2 Research and and PhD preparation
  • Partnerships with IFSBM (Institut de Formation Supérieure Médicale), l’University of Evry and EPHE (École Pratique des Hautes Études)

* Subject to sufficient number of students applying for this curriculum

Application of skills


The acquisition of knowledge in the Engineering cycle is through project-based teaching. Project work helps the student to become a true professional and a sought-after element in the market of Biotechnology.

The projects come together in specific subjects. Students learn through scientific case study analysis (articles, protocols, patents). Using the experience of professional teachers in the Expertise cycle, students acquire certain reflexes in their work adapted to their future career.

The ‘common theme’ projects call on each student to go further in the acquisition of technical and managerial skills required. The study year ends with an important presentation day where each project team has to prove they have fulfilled all the fixed objectives.

Students are urged more and more to prepare themselves for their future manager careers. They are subjected to simulated job interviews in both French and English. They also spend half a day at the Labour Court.  

Finally the student has 6 months to finalize the SBIP proof of concept. At the same time they have to draw up the final report relating to their innovative project, which will essentially summarize the whole development project. 

Session for finding the 1st job

Support workshops for career plans: CV, cover letters, job interview simulations, skill workshops, salary negotiation workshops, workshops on how to manage phone interviews, job market workshops with APEC and Kelly Life Sciences, use of social networks, participation in the SB Career Day in October.

6-month end of studies internship

The home stretch before starting in a company is the 6 month internship where students can show their full worth and assert their acquired skills. It often serves as a stepping stone to employment.

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