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Sup’Biotech is a member of IONIS Education GroupFrance’s largest group of private higher education institutionsWith 20 schools, the IONIS Education Group has nearly 19,000 students in France, and it reaches 200,000 students worldwide. Our guiding principle is that together, we are stronger: our schools share facilities and technical resources, to increase the opportunities available to each school.

ERASMUS +: A new education and training program (2014-2020)

Sup’Biotech is a member of the European Erasmus+ Program. All courses are open to Erasmus international students.

The main objective of Erasmus+ is to help young people become more employable; the program focuses on helping students learn additional skills that employers need, along with improved language skills and flexibility. Students who take part in these exchange programs will go through a selective admissions process based on academic criteria and English proficiency.

Bilateral Partnerships

Sup’Biotech has signed numerous bilateral agreements with higher educational institutions and universities in other countries, to promote cooperation in education and research activities.

Please contact us for further information: [email protected]

About SupBiotech

SupBiotech is a school specialized in Biotechnology which provide an
innovative course taught over 5 years after the highschool Degree.
The school is close to both the world of scientific research as well as the
corporate world ans has signed partnerships with universities globally.
Graduates gain quick access to senior position both in France and
abroad in such fields as health and pharmaceuticals, food-processing
innovation, cosmetics, bioinformatics or the environment.
The studies, combining academic fundamentals, student projects and
internships are divided into two parts according to European standards:
the preparatory cycle (2 years) and the engineering cycle (3 years).
Sup’Biotech’s Biotechnology engineering program is accredited by
Medicen Paris Région and Industries and Agro-Resources (I.A.R.).
Sup’Biotech also offers an apprenticeship program starting at the
baccalaureate level, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology,
which is accessible after highschool Degree.


Privately Endowed Graduate Educational Institution - Education Authority of Créteil Registration - This school is a member of IONIS Education Group such as :