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Category: Non classé

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And the Winner is…

Sup’Biotech sends all its third-year students abroad to broaden their minds, increase their cultural sensitivity, and develop professional skills. But even though we know they are having an important experience […]

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Sup’Biotech Added to Campus France’s Roster

Higher education in France has a few peculiarities that may seem odd to outsiders. The news that the French Commission of Engineers gave Sup’Biotech the ability to bestow its students […]

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Sup’Biotech Students Reach Podium In Major Tech Competition

Four Sup’Biotech students took their nature-inspired conceptual project to the final rounds of a competition involving 140 schools which seeks the most innovative ideas for future technologies.
Third-year Sup’Biotech students Kahina […]

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Street Art Tour

To celebrate the successful completion of the fall semester, International Office decided to take the Sup’Biotech International Students on a tour of Paris. And not the classic ramble around the […]

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Housing Anywhere

The International Relations team at Sup’Biotech is delighted to announce the successful renewal of their collaboration with Created in 2009 by Nils Van Deuren, a Dutch student who rented […]

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Sup’Biotech’s 2017 International Fair

Sup’biotech is thrilled to hold its 5th International Fair on the January 23th 2017, from 2pm to 5pm. The International Fair is the occasion for students and their family to […]

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Sup’Biotech’s 2016 Integration Weekend

Every year the integration weekend is one of the most anticipated event by students!
This year the event was organized from September 30th to October 1st. Our international students had the […]

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Welcome to York University!

In the objective of international development, this week two lecturers from York University (Toronto, Canada) came to Sup’Biotech to give a presentation on their field of research: “Mass Spectrometry-Enabled Drug […]

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Sup’Biotech International Summer School

Welcome to our 15 international students for the second edition of the Sup’Biotech International Summer School!
This year, many countries are represented: Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Korea, Turky, Russia, wich will lead […]

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Congratulation to the 2015 promotion

A few days ago, students from the Sup’Biotech 2015 promotion have received their diploma of Expert in Biotechnologies, at the occasion of the graduation ceremony that took place at the […]

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About SupBiotech

SupBiotech is a school specialized in Biotechnology which provide an
innovative course taught over 5 years after the highschool Degree.
The school is close to both the world of scientific research as well as the
corporate world ans has signed partnerships with universities globally.
Graduates gain quick access to senior position both in France and
abroad in such fields as health and pharmaceuticals, food-processing
innovation, cosmetics, bioinformatics or the environment.
The studies, combining academic fundamentals, student projects and
internships are divided into two parts according to European standards:
the preparatory cycle (2 years) and the engineering cycle (3 years).
Sup’Biotech’s Biotechnology engineering program is accredited by
Medicen Paris Région and Industries and Agro-Resources (I.A.R.).
Sup’Biotech also offers an apprenticeship program starting at the
baccalaureate level, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology,
which is accessible after highschool Degree.


Privately Endowed Graduate Educational Institution - Education Authority of Créteil Registration - This school is a member of IONIS Education Group such as :